Saturday, April 24, 2010


Hey, you
Yeah, you're the one
I've been looking for you
Such a sweet disposition
and the face to match

Listen if you can
this won't take long
I'll be honest with you
not just 'cause I can't lie

I don't feel the need
to tiptoe 'round the tulips
and I hate wasting breath
I think I'll take a chance

So, here goes
I'd like to date you
Yeah, I'd like that
To take you on a date

It could end there
if you'd prefer that
I just want to take a chance
to leave an impression, perhaps

I swear I'm not weird
it's just that
I don't see the point
in wasting time
and I don't want to pretend
that I'm not interested
Never saw the good in that

So, what do you say?


  1. not a poem. nope, a letter. i called it.

  2. I'd like it to be a letter, but I don't know if I've got the sand for that.

  3. the fact that you posted it on the internet and left it up for anybody to find takes a little sand right? harvest that shit and do it

  4. Yeah, I suppose you're right. First, I need to acquire the address.

  5. So long ago! It's interesting seeing the progression...
