Friday, April 30, 2010


He'd often contemplate
the greater good
and his contributions
His hands were calloused
and his back suffered
but later, he thought
I will be remembered
My sacrifice now
might mean greatness
in the end
And he'd stop there
think no further
That was all he needed
to maintain his faith
The cogs kept turning
the machine produced
His children
would not be hungry
But the end crept in
subtly at the start,
and then all at once
As a marble
headed for the edge
So he lay there
thinking of a life
of pained productivity
and he told himself
it was for the greater good
and he would be remembered
and it was all he needed


  1. I don't want to read this. stop breaking my heart.

  2. I know. Mine too. It wasn't about him when I started writing. It just happened.

  3. The cogs kept turning
    the machine produced
    His children
    would not be hungry

    all your poems on here have been in this long, no break format and it gives lines like the one other meanings that are really provacative!

    but yeah shit this is heartbreaking

  4. Thanks for picking up on that, Brian. Kind of what I'm going for, actually, so it's good to know that it translates across.
    And yeah, I really didn't intend for this one to be like this, but that's the direction it went in.

  5. i follow you now. ya' follow?

  6. Yeah, I'm picking up what you're putting down.
