Saturday, September 18, 2010

Something Said

Knowing the destination's ugly
and setting forth regardless
There's something to be said for that
Despite our cynicism,
we're a species so optimistic,
almost universally, in that regard
We're so enamored with the notion
that a love lost, is better than none,
and I'm not sure about you,
but I wouldn't count myself excepted
Although I might conclude
nothing's ever really lost
The truth of it is blatant
We saw the end of this path at the outset
and we knew it meant a dead end for me,
but let it be known, I wouldn't trade it
Even now, there's a smile upon my face
Yeah, this was predictable,
just as the rising moon
I'd say no less beautiful
And babe, if you see this,
don't mistake it for farewell,
because the sun also rises
There's something to be said for that


  1. holy fuck, roy, you're a lover more altruistic than myself. kudos.

    lovely hemmingway allusion, FANTASTIC POEM. call me sometime if you want to talk

  2. Hahaha. Ah, Brian, I have so much love for you.
    Thanks so much for the encouragement, and I will definitely take you up on that. I'll be talking to you soon!
