Monday, May 17, 2010

Predatory Moth

It ventured out at dusk
Moving seamlessly
from view to vantage
One might catch a glimpse
Likely to dismiss it
for a trick of light
A blur of pastel, ethereal,
illuminated by the headlights
Like some giant predatory moth,
all enshrouded in subtlety,
dancing in the lantern's light
This night it met its end
Struck by a curved pane of glass
The hollow sound
of the last, terminal collision
The offender was moving faster,
than nature meant for it to avoid
Then two might find it
by the yellow-lined wayside
Take its weightless, mighty wings,
and a velvet, taloned foot
Try to make some thing from it
Stimulate a recollection
of the ghostly beauty,
which only its movement
could ever inspire


  1. you're such a writer it's absurd, you should read some poems by james dickey or check out the poetry on
