Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I've come to expect it,
because they always ask
the same damn questions
By now, it seems I ought
to have some answers
But I think I don't
None that come easy
That's probably because
they're all hard-earned
and I won't sell 'em short
But I'll do my best here
to spew out some bullshit
and make it smell pretty,
so you still like me
I guess, I believe,
to put it quietly,
there's a chance for
nobility in every moment
Usually it's hard to see
and inhibitions only
help to make them hide
And, hell, anyway
that's what I live for
Isn't that what
we all live for?
Finding some meaning
in an inherently
meaningless setting
Picking out the details
the idiosyncrasies,
the concealed notions
that make up beauty
So why bother?
Inhibitions only help
to make it harder
At least, that's
the way it is for me

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