Saturday, May 7, 2011

Belly of the Beast

The room itself was alive last night,
the music made an organism of it
Inhaling the energy of the occupants,
and bellowing it back in exhalation,
leaving them breathless and gasping

Smiling, reaching, stomping for life,
and linking arms with new, old friends
Men and women alike, absorbed,
clapping heels upon the floorboards
Sliding upon a sea of liquored slick,
and careening like drunken tops

Blood flew harshly through
oiled veins and sweating arteries
Throats burning and stomachs
clenched in cramping agony
It wasn't enough to arrest motion,
because each of them craved it

It was the belly of the beast;
expansive bubbling to the brim

Last night, movement meant life


  1. sick, me and rachel went to a party where my friend josh's new band played and it was that powerful too, i need to take my mom to shows haha

  2. It's the best feeling! And it was such a positive energy for the most part. Not much belligerence considering the amount of alcohol involved.
    And yeah, my mom was digging it too. She loves the Devil Makes Three. Very silly.
