Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Seen the Sea

His eyes squinted, wrinkled
at the sound of his voice
What he had to say was sour
and his face didn't lie
Said, "Boy, you've seen oceans,
but you haven't seen the sea."
Of course, they're one in the same,
but it was the context
that separated the terms
I took what I could from it,
which wasn't too much at the time
I thought I was eyeballs deep in it,
but time told me it wasn't true
And now, twenty years behind me,
I see, I'm in the midst of the sea
Drawing in and cutting down
upon my naked ankles
Yes, I see the sea,
I feel her even now


  1. magnificent. i really like the line "eyeballs deep in it" a lot, even though it's almost a pun.

  2. Thanks! Didn't even consider the near-pun. Hahaha.
